Social media marketing is considered to be the latest source of good fortune for the marketing industry. This is because the interaction of online communities, which does not cost much for the marketers and the business sector as a whole, generate exposure, opportunity and sales that has never been experienced by the business sector. This latest innovation then is being explored by marketers, scholars and even by simple individuals like me who were able to notice the amazing interplay of the social nature of people to the practice of marketing in the vast and unchartered World Wide Web.

Social media marketing is also interchangeably known as social network marketing, social level marketing and social influence marketing. It is a marketing strategy that employs social influencers, social media platforms, online communities for marketing, publication relations and customer service. It is highly effective because it is able to accommodate the nature of people to socialize and it feeds on the desire of individuals to share their experiences, thoughts and even their aspirations. Social media marketing is actually more of a consumer-generated publicity than an advertiser-driven one. It totally turned the tide in favor of the consumers.

To illustrate the changes in the consumer and their demand for an equivalent conversion on the part of the advertisers, watch this video:

Blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube are the top social media marketing tools. Discover why with this video:

The videos clearly show the changes that has transpired in marketing and the power of social media in reaching out to other individuals who, traditionally, were beyond your reach and those who were barely known. It clearly depicts the capacity of social media to break barriers among individuals. And now, the challenge is for us to find out how to do so.